The Place Value Number Sense Routine, “Close, Far, In Between” is from Mathematics, by Van de Walle.

This activity focuses on number sense development and relative magnitude. When thinking about relative magnitude, students can compare and refer to the size relationship one number has with another. For an example of “Close, Far, In Between” for 4th and 5th grade decimals, click here!
Teacher displays three numbers for students to review. For kindergarten students, use smaller number. For first and second graders, use 2 digit numbers. For third grade students, use 3 digit numbers or simple fractions. For fourth and fifth grade students use large numbers, fractions and decimals. For an extra challenge or for middle school students use positive/negative integers. Then ask questions that encourage relative magnitude relations. Be sure to encourage mathematical discourse. Some suggested questions are shown below:
Primary questions with 1 or 2 digit numbers:
- Which two are closest? Why?
- Which is closest to 10? 20? 50? 100? How do you know?
- Name a number that is more/less than all of these.
- Name a number that’s greater than ____ and less than ____.
- If these are big numbers, what are some small numbers? Numbers about the same? Numbers that make these seem small?
Primary questions with 2 digit numbers:
- Which two are closest? Why?
- Which is closest to 50? 100? How do you know?
- Name a number that is more/less than all of these.
- Name a number that’s greater than ____ and less than ____.
- If these are big numbers, what are some small numbers? Numbers about the same? Numbers that make these seem small?
Intermediate questions with 3 digit numbers:
- Which two are closest? Why?
- Which is closest to 300? to 250? How do you know?
- Name a number (or a multiple of ___) between ___ and ____.
- Name a number that is more/less than all of these.
- About how far apart are ____ and 500?
- If these are big numbers, what are some small numbers? Numbers about the same? Numbers that make these seem small?
Intermediate questions with fractions/decimals:
- Which two are closest? Why?
- Which is closest to 1 whole? to 1/2? to 0?
- Name a fraction/decimal between ____ and ____.
- Name a number that is more/less than all of these.
- About how far apart are ____ and ____?
- Can you name a fraction/decimal that is close to ____?
- Which two when added together would be more than ___? less than ___?
These suggested questions come from the wonderful Howard County website: